Dear My Future Kids,

If so many things are going wrong

during your day.

Then that simply means there is a blessing

coming that same day or the next day.

It’s been something that you have been praying

for and waiting for.

Well, it’s certainly about to come.

I’m your mom and no I do not have to

know everything you prayed for.

That is your personal relationship with God.

But, when that blessing comes with whatever

it is.

I will be glad to rejoice it with you.

My advice is when you are having a bad day.

Just think that God has a blessing coming

towards your way.

He just wants to test you and see if you

will keep your faith.

Like I said before.

We both love you.

I hope you Future Father knows that

when he is having a bad day.

There is a blessing coming his way too.

God will build me up to the person he

created me to be.

Just so that I can be a great Mother and Wife.

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